Alessandro Turchetto

He joined BSAssociati in 2022 after a significant collaboration with a high-profile legal firm in Novara, where he practiced law in the areas of corporate, labor, social welfare, and real estate law, handling important litigation cases in both civil and criminal proceedings. Today, he provides legal consulting and assistance, both in non-contentious and contentious matters, particularly for businesses, with a preference for corporate law, labor law, contracts, and commercial law. He also handles tax litigation, privacy, real estate law, lease and condominium law. Over the years, he has attended various specialized courses, including mediation and conciliation training held by the "Aequitas ADR" Conciliation Body and a two-year Master's program on Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 concerning corporate criminal liability and corporate compliance. Since 2012, he has served as a legal consultant for the "Associazione Proprietà Edilizia" (Real Estate Association) of the Province of Novara, affiliated with Confedilizia (Italian Confederation of Real Estate Ownership) and in 2022, he became President of this association. From 2019 to 2023, he was a member of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Novara Bar Association and attended the Advanced Education School in Labor, Trade Union, and Social Welfare Law of A.G.I. – Italian Labor Lawyers, between 2019 and 2020.

Filippo Traviglia

Co-founder of Fabrìque Avvocati Associati Law Firm, a lawyer qualified to represent cases before the Corte di Cassazione (highest court of appeal) and the Council of State. He previously collaborated with prominent law firms and held senior roles in business representative organizations. He specializes in corporate law, providing assistance to companies and corporate governing bodies in relation to extraordinary operations and governance matters. He also deals with competition law and administrative law, particularly concerning energy and regulatory aspects of Independent Authorities. Additionally, he has gained significant experience in the cooperative and start-up sectors. He has authored several publications, covering topics such as corporate law, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the organization of public law bodies in the cultural field. On an international level, he is a member of EFLA (European Food Law Association) and the Global Referral Network, and serves on the steering committee of the We Transform Project. He is a member of the Third Sector Commission at the Turin Bar Association. He frequently collaborates with journalistic publications, writing about economic, corporate, and competition-related topics.

Enrico Pagani

Enrico Pagani
Founding partner of the Brustia and Pagani Firm since 1978, which has now merged into Ballarè Brustia Sponghini and Associati. He provides consulting services primarily in tax, corporate, and contractual matters for individuals, families, and companies in the agricultural sector. He also manages and handles the transfer of personal assets for these clients. In the years 1972-1975, he served as vice-director of Confagricoltura (Organization for the Protection and Representation of Agricultural Enterprises) in Novara, where he established the VAT service for the members of this professional organization. He is a member of the College of Surveyors in the Province of Novara, where he served as a Councilor from 2009 to 2017. He has been a Consultant to the Court of Novara since 1994 and, upon appointment by the Court of Appeal in Turin, became a Full Member of the Specialized Agricultural Section of the Court of Novara. Currently, he holds the position of President of the Disciplinary Board of the College of Surveyors in Novara and serves as a Councilor for the Building Ownership Association in Novara.

Chiara Notaro

Co-Founder of the Fabrìque Avvocati Associati Law Firm, a lawyer qualified to practice before the Corte di Cassazione (highest court of appeal) and the Council of State, she has gained significant experience in the field of industrial and international commercial law, collaborating with prominent legal firms.
She is specialized in industrial and intellectual property law, providing assistance and consultancy in the management and defense of trademarks, domain names, patents, designs and models, know-how, and copyright. She handles litigation in this field before Commercial Courts and related contractual matters, including licensing and transfer agreements, co-branding contracts, coexistence agreements between trademarks, software development contracts, and confidentiality agreements.
Furthermore, she has developed specific expertise in competition law.
She deals with communication and advertising law, assisting companies with their related issues, assessing advertising campaigns in advance, and supporting businesses in contractual relationships with the media.
She has also acquired significant experience in the food sector, focusing on food law.
She is involved in international commercial contract law.
She is a member of LES (Licensing Executives Society), AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), EFLA (European Food Law Association), and the Global Referral Network. Additionally, she currently serves as a member of the Civil Committee at the Turin Bar Association.

Anna Garbagni

Associate at the Fabrìque Avvocati Associati law Firm since 2021, after gaining significant experience in industrial law and international contracts by collaborating with major law firms.
She attended master's programs in Brussels and London and assists agents operating in various product sectors in European, American, and Asian territories. She also assists private individuals with succession matters in Italy and abroad.
Since 2019, she has held the title of "Italian Certified Consultant" at IICUAE (Italian Industry & Commerce in the United Arab Emirates).
Her areas of expertise include providing pre-litigation consultancy and assistance in the field of industrial law, particularly in trademark research, strategic planning, and trademark registration with relevant Italian and foreign offices. She offers legal assistance in cases of intellectual property rights infringement, especially in the broader field of industrial law. She provides pre-litigation and litigation consultancy and assistance in national and international commercial law and contract matters across various product sectors in European, American, and Asian territories.
She also offers pre-litigation and litigation assistance to companies during times of financial crisis and handles succession issues in Italy and abroad.

She was previously a member of the Board of Directors of the Over-indebtedness Crisis Settlement Body MO.TO. – Modello Torino and is currently a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Commission at the Turin Bar Association.

Cecilia Brustia

She is responsible for labor consultancy, overseeing payslip processing, as well as all aspects related to the management of employees and similar personnel, from establishing to terminating employment relationships. She has gained significant experience in managing social safety nets.

In close collaboration with the legal experts in the Firm specialized in labor law, she works as a technical consultant for one of the parties in labor disputes.

As an expert in pension and social welfare matters, she provides guidance in reconstructing pension pathways.

She currently holds the position of Treasurer of the Order of Labor Consultants in Novara and Secretary of ANCL UP Novara (National Association of Labor Consultants - Provincial Union of Novara).

She is also a delegate of the Foundation of Labor Consultants for the activation of non-curricular internships.